For over a quarter of a century Mike has been immersed in criminal trial work as Crown and defense counsel as well as defending Police Officers and other professionals in disciplinary proceedings. While developing experience in all areas of litigation Mike has honed in on Cross-Examination and Charter litigation to assist in defense of clients. If your matter requires a trial, the entire process will be outlined. All information that the Crown possesses will be presented and detailed to the client. The strategy and approach to each witness and how that blends with the overall theme of your defense then will be outlined. Where appropriate written submissions and briefs of law may be prepared to advance your case. The decision to call evidence or have a client testified will be fully explored such that the legal benefits of such conduct and potential pitfalls are made fully understood so the best choice may be made in your answer to the prosecution. Witness preparation and discovery are also detailed and explored so that no stone is left unturned.
Similarly, where an election as to mode of trial is available the costs and weighing of how to elect to be tried by Provincial Court Judge or a Court of King's Bench Judge Alone or Jury will all be explained so that the election is in line with achieving the best outcome. In cases where the election is to be before a King's Bench Judge Alone or a Jury the ability to have a preliminary inquiry first in Provincial Court will be explained such that this option may be explored and elected to assist in marshaling your defense. It is a team approach. When matters proceed to trial there can never be a guaranteed outcome, what can and will be sought is the best answer available to secure the best outcome in the circumstances of your case. That is our singular goal.